Saturday, September 29, 2007

Berlin Protest against the Surveillance State

Duration: 01:14 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-22 18:37:34
User: news6776
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22.09.2007 Berlin, Germany - Thousands Protest against the Surveillance state (Big Brother state) and a new anti-terror package proposed by the interior minister. The proposal includes online searches of private computers and telecom data. The slogan of the protest was "Freedom instead of fear - stop the surveillance delusion" (German: "Freiheit statt Angst - Stoppt den Überwachungswahn!"). Deutsch: Mehrere tausend Menschen haben sich in Berlin an einer Demonstration unter dem Motto "Freiheit statt Angst" beteiligt und gegen ein Übermaß an staatlicher Überwachung protestiert. Die Polizei zählte mehr als 8000 Teilnehmer. Weitgehend friedlich haben rund 8.000 Menschen am Samstag in Berlin gegen eine Verschärfung von Sicherheitsgesetzen durch Lockerung des Datenschutzes protestiert. Am Rande kam es nach Polizeiangaben zu Rangeleien mit etwa 400 Demonstranten, die sich Kontrollen widersetzt hätten. Dabei seien am Hotel Adlon Stühle und Tische zerstört worden. Der Demonstrationszug begann am Brandenburger Tor und sollte dort am Abend mit einer Abschlusskundgebung enden.


SHADOWCOMPANY1 ::: Favorites
07-09-29 02:42:14
sultan- Religion has everything to do with your answer. I saw right through your Islamic bullshit... 911 'troofer-conspiracy' spreading propaganda. Screw You and your murdering, thieving, Pedophile prophet who created your false filthy religion in the 7th century to suit his own perverted delusional ideology.
07-09-29 02:39:12
EinsiB ::: Favorites
GOOD JOP PEOPLE in Germany. Damn it feels good to see you out there. But we need more ! More people, more places and more often !
07-09-29 01:03:39
meetup is a site that can help make that happen. open chapters around the globe. what do you think?
07-09-28 20:21:48
carlessex ::: Favorites
you need survaliance for the next HITLER and the GHESTAPHO to weed out traiters to the fhuer
07-09-28 18:00:32
carlessex ::: Favorites
Are they all NAZIS ???
07-09-28 17:54:35
sultanelmir ::: Favorites
what has religion got to do with this keep your cross away from me and i will keep my cresent from you, and yes the Holy Quran is the light which guides all mankind take it or leave it better that than a police state
07-09-28 12:05:57
DOPAMI ::: Favorites
freee pary freeee party
07-09-28 09:34:01
im2stoned2care ::: Favorites
I was there !!!!!!!!!! :-) They only expected a few thousand people, amazing what you can do with a computer and an email account :-)
07-09-28 04:02:10
im2stoned2care ::: Favorites
then lets do this every month, lets get groups and groups of people, every month we will get larger, I dont think that we have too many months left...
07-09-28 04:01:37

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