Tuesday, September 18, 2007

CNN Compares Bin Laden To Bloggers

Duration: 01:11 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-08 20:40:19
User: atmain
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CNN Justice Correspondent Kelli Arena says that in his latest video, bin Laden sounds like an "angry blogger." http://thinkprogress.org/2007/09/08/cnn-bin-laden-blogger/

thereallurker ::: Favorites
Oh, yeah, OBL, the guy Bush never got, while Bush has been quagmired in Iraq, the country that didn't attack us.
07-09-10 19:43:17
wallavia ::: Favorites
It's a allahjalla tradition to color the beard darker.
07-09-10 17:59:39
TheAmericanManifesto ::: Favorites
I mean, Femocrats and Osama have A LOT in common (a damn lot). I mean Osama LOVES the Femocrats, and all Femocrats LOVE Osama/terrorism. Femocrats want Americans to die. Femocrats want America to be taken over my terrorist. And when all the Americans(aka Conservatives) are killed, the Femocrats will kill themselves to please the terrorists.
07-09-10 15:13:54
eekdog2005 ::: Favorites
This latest Osama video is a fake. Look at the beard! This is propaganda!
07-09-10 14:19:00
osofaux ::: Favorites
Nor do I.
07-09-10 09:01:57
splitspeed ::: Favorites
Why have the Democrats failed to stop this War, Despite their being in the majority"? OBL Sept 7 2007 WOW ! Sounds like OBL is a disgruntled Democratic Voter! Ha ha ha!
07-09-10 06:55:12
knowledgefreedom ::: Favorites
CNN is owned by zionists so you can understand why the say such nonsense. See IAmTheWitness,com for more info.
07-09-10 02:26:12
BoogieWithStew ::: Favorites
Nutball Bin Laden likes nutball Chomsky, just like the nutball lefty bloggers like Chomsky. Will strong parallels with America's enemies help lefty bloggers to reflect on their matching positions? Nope.
07-09-09 22:23:33
Kapan60 ::: Favorites
Now that comparison is a bit creepy... I wonder what bloggers will be compared to next.
07-09-08 21:03:31
Lungyao1 ::: Favorites
Hmph. I don't think that video is real. I just dont.
07-09-08 20:50:40

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