Sunday, September 16, 2007

how albanians rescue jews during the ll w war(part 3)

Duration: 08:22 minutes
Upload Time: 06-11-15 21:13:41
User: alboss13
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part 3

alboss13 ::: Favorites
people that helped jews were just good people thats what the video is about. this is the main subject not religions.. as you guys know we dont really care about religions especially when it comes to nationality so whats the point of arguing religions
07-09-09 03:59:35
alboss13 ::: Favorites
feja nuk ka cna duhet theres just one god up there, aq me shume tani qe ne presim kosoven te mar pavarsi. feja eshte thjesht nje kulture qe njerezit po te duan e mbajne po mos te duan se mbajne. te jesh fanatic per per cdo lloj feje eshte idiotsi dhe injorance kur ne kemi halle dhe probleme te tjera qe presin zgjidhje. GOD IS JUST ONE THEREFOR RELIGION SHOULD BE JUST ONE.the fact that we have thousands makes me sceptic
07-09-09 03:51:46
alboss13 ::: Favorites
lol te vdes une per anglishten tende. po gjithsesi ka shume ne kosovve edhe sidomos ne maqedoni andej nga prespa qe jane myslyman te thekur qe donje dite seshte cudi te ven ndonje bombe si ben ne amerike para ca kohesh.edhe ne shqiperi qe pothuajse segzistonte feja e praktikuar kan filluar njerezit veshin grate me perce e me shall palestinezesh.
07-09-09 03:48:14
thecrazyalbanian ::: Favorites
o majmuna kur u beret ju me then jemi musliman a katoliek shum pak shqiptar jan fetare shum ne duam vetem te jena mir kujt i han kari cfar esht muslimani apo katoliku
07-09-08 08:10:50
thecrazyalbanian ::: Favorites
i see peaople saying albanians are muslim extrim ist where where you stupid idiot you see albanian muslim extrimist we dont like extrimist in albania we got all the religions we never figfht we eachother man so stop lying albanian muslim terorist is a lie brouth to life by serbia and greece the soldiers of uck where not only muslim but also cristian albanian faith is albanian
07-09-08 08:07:23
thecrazyalbanian ::: Favorites
look guys we albanians dont practice fath so mutch we acept jews muslim catholics we are proud to be albanian and to to be muslim or cristian we helped the jews in ww2 becouse its our culture to help peaople not becouse the bible or kuran says it we rescued the jews becous they where albanians to and by the way what did the jews to albanians nothing so we dont got any reason to hate them albanians are good and friendly peaople but if you do somthing to us we wil do it worser to you
07-09-08 08:04:06
struga62 ::: Favorites
long live to albania for 1 christian albanian i burn all arabic countrys for 1 muslim albanian i burn all rome for any albanian christian muslim orthodoxs i give my life remember haters dont fuck with united albanians we are proud albanians 4 ever
07-08-26 01:38:55
struga62 ::: Favorites
muslim albanians are not albanians? hahahaha moron what they are shqiptars get a fuck are you low life serbitch
07-08-26 01:33:08
ganushe ::: Favorites
You're clueless on religious demography at that time! Majority of Christians (Catholics) lived in the highlands therefore sheltering JEWS takes most of them out of the puzzle. This was generous help from the Albanian Muslims and you thank them how? Ta qifsha trunin e budalles!
07-08-17 14:35:51
KFTBD ::: Favorites
Muslim Albanian are not Albanian!
07-08-12 03:52:33

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