Wednesday, September 5, 2007

A Zanessa Story [series#3- ep.44: i'll be there for you]

Duration: 07:20 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-22 06:22:31
User: thatswhack74
:::: Favorites

Series 3. Episode 44: Zac does his research on Vanessa (& why she's acting somewhat quiet & distant). Will Vanessa end up telling Zac everything? --------------------------------------- *AUTHORS MESSAGE* --------------------------------------- Hey guys! This episode took forever to upload... grr. Stupid computer! Anyways.. I just want to say a HUGE thanks to those who have supported me with the whole hater thing by leaving nice comments, messages etc. It has made me smile.. and I know that you guys will always have my back! And to the haters, seriously.. GET A LIFE! And yes you may say that about me too but the truth is I have a life where I don't need to belittle someone I don't even know! Well again, thanks to my TRUE YouTube friends.. you guys are the GREATEST! :) Much Love, Charli xxx PS;; don't like my videos? Then don't bother commenting or watching it... no one's making you!! but again to the haters;; thanks for making me the center of your thoughts... *smiles* PPS;; AZS Official Piczo FanSite by Miss T aka. zanessandclana4ever-- be sure to check it out! :)

FLGatorGal ::: Favorites
Yay, he knows!!! Man, Zac is the perfect boyfriend!
07-09-02 23:45:57
punkprincess2795 ::: Favorites
niice using the bon jovi songs in this ep(and last 1) luv them :D
07-08-27 19:34:55
ByillyMcButtButt ::: Favorites
aww he cares!! LOL these are really well made episodes! Great job!
07-08-26 15:48:47
stardom14 ::: Favorites
yay! he FINALLY knows!!
07-08-25 02:45:08
Emmie5619 ::: Favorites
WHOO HOO!!! rating #365 Go me, go me, go me. 365 days in a year.
07-08-22 17:27:38
3DisneyTuber ::: Favorites
i love miley in it, its so awesome- I AM SO GLAD SHE FINALLY TOLD SOMEONE!!!
07-08-17 03:08:06
wytchfire ::: Favorites
07-08-16 15:06:43
SerenityStarz ::: Favorites
i know!!!its so cute!
07-08-15 11:52:53
erikka101293 ::: Favorites
nice videos and thanks for warming up my heart with the sweetness of zac&vanessa! ^_^
07-08-15 01:23:46
L00king4Lov3 ::: Favorites
once again, awesomely, awesomely great vid!!!
07-08-10 09:47:04

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