Sunday, April 13, 2008

GoldenEye 007 [Music] - Mission Status

Duration: 01:15 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-15 18:11:06


LqrDrnkr757  2008-02-26 14:20:50

I love the music on this game and Perfect Dark
No1MechWarrior  2008-02-17 19:00:04

when you entered your "watch" it gave you your mission status. same thing.
willman1010  2008-02-17 12:29:39

This was actually the watch music wasnt it?
crazypants88  2008-02-15 18:59:21

Ahh nostalgia time.
btk88  2008-02-15 18:32:07

GoldenEye Rocks!!

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