Friday, April 11, 2008

Harry Loter en het Geheime Hoerenhuis TRAILER

Duration: 00:40 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-06-21 11:53:56

The Trailer of the new adventure of Harry Loter. For the interested people, who don't understand Dutch, some subtitles: Coming soon on Youtube... Harry Loter is in his second year now, on Hogwart's school for wh*res and paedophiles, and is allowed to have sex out of school. Harry Loter and the secret wh*rehouse He has reveived a letter from the wh*rehouse. Stay watching youtube and look for Harry Loter. OH YES!#!@$!$!@!#% ITS THERE!!!@#!@$!#@$ CHECK@!@$!#@%$#% HIM~!#!@$#@%$#^NOW! ^^ Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets belongs to Warner Bros and JK Rowling Harry Loter belongs to Nassie Music belongs to their respected owners Music used in this video: Fuck the Macarena by Happy Hardcore


alexjuh111  2008-01-11 07:15:21

dat filmpje is echt lache
imnotapuppet  2007-09-09 07:36:20

hij is uit. en de nieuwe trailer van de nieuwe parody is ook uit :D
imnotapuppet  2007-08-11 11:48:14

uhm. ik ben ze vriend en hij is op vakantie. dus ik denk als ie terug is
TerrorJaapFan  2007-08-07 08:58:51

waar is dat filmpje dan?

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