Thursday, October 4, 2007

Another Day - May 20th 2006 - part 2

Duration: 07:35 minutes
Upload Time: 06-05-20 19:23:03
User: ZenArcher
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:::: Top Videos of Day

same as one


Hellro ::: Favorites
damn you zen stop smoking its bad for you =p
07-05-30 02:15:16
crakri ::: Favorites
Interesting. I liked your video. I just don`t know exactly why...
06-11-10 21:15:20
Heidiscope ::: Favorites
You should shave the mustache too. I'm not a fan of the mustache that goes right down to the chin. It makes people look sad or something.LOL I think it'll take years off you too. My dad has a mustache, the only reason he keeps it is cause mum says he has a wavy lip.LOL
06-11-08 21:56:26
SmokeyC4 ::: Favorites
oh those damn morning shavings,It can be such a pain sometimes lol. great video Zen. Hope you are doing well..........SmokeyC4
06-08-04 05:46:35
ZenArcher ::: Favorites
I have actualy done that once.. damn near cut my head off! haha! We.. not realy.. but a good number of nics. Be Well! ~ Zen Archer
06-06-30 09:58:12
foggle1 ::: Favorites
I personally prefer the mach 3 razor, uzing either gilette ashaving foam, or somersets oil. However, I would have thought a guy like you would have shaved with nothing but a commando knife. No foam, no oil, not even water!
06-06-30 08:55:54
jacquette26 ::: Favorites
Zen your the man!!
06-06-27 15:31:17
bjhorton2005 ::: Favorites
Thanks i've been wondering about this for some time. I am actually going to switch now.
06-06-26 22:33:46
bjhorton2005 ::: Favorites
lol, this was just uncanny!
06-06-26 22:23:43
YeHoashMcLaren ::: Favorites
You right! i will try it myself one day-or just stop shaving at all.its not perfect anyway when i not reach the whole era of my back
06-06-23 08:57:56

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