Thursday, October 4, 2007

Morning Has Broken

Duration: 05:17 minutes
Upload Time: 06-04-23 12:30:17
User: ZenArcher
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Just ramblings about being accepted in the Directors program, a thanks to my friends and fans, Kites, and whats currently in the works.


Marihani ::: Favorites
We had to sing that at every assembly! Nightmare memories! Especially since it was an all-girls-school and we had a serious drummer accompanying! Hahaha!!! Thanks for YOU!
06-08-20 19:47:52
blacklance ::: Favorites
its always nice to know that you are affecting how people think or at least getting them to think. kites are always good its paying attention to the little things in your life. like going into a forest and just sit there and watch. theres soo much to take in the people take for granted.
06-07-26 04:02:26
peaches1987 ::: Favorites
you dont know how much i adore cat stevens :)
06-05-04 06:00:12
lisasimpson ::: Favorites
Oooh, I want my own "Tiny Kite" for my shoebox!!
06-04-27 21:43:16
rmaht ::: Favorites
you have just described the essence of surfing in your "ramblings" about kite-flying. should you ever get the opportunity to try surfing, mr. zenarcher, i think you would fully get the primal joy that is surfing.
06-04-27 02:52:14
slayerette ::: Favorites
Beautiful. I'm all stressed out and your vid just, aw, melted my heart. Thankyou for talking xxx
06-04-25 17:56:12
etabu ::: Favorites
gracias, thanks a lot, you and mello mel, for clean air! (fresh where kites can fly!)
06-04-24 23:26:24
chowda ::: Favorites
I'm looking forward to your tiny kites! I am afraid my house plants may be kite-avores as well as that damn tree... But I'll give it a try.
06-04-24 02:14:06
Tara916 ::: Favorites
Uh oh now you sounded kinda like Bowiechick! The fast and the slow speech, lol I have one of those little kites you refer to, a dear friend gave it to me,, I love it and enjoy flying it! Thanks for another Zen moment.
06-04-23 16:28:19
redsox26 ::: Favorites
haha that was have a beautiful voice
06-04-23 15:54:03

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