Wednesday, September 19, 2007

15 MORE... FOR WHAT?!!!!

Duration: 02:49 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-08 22:22:05
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MAY 08, 2007 NEWS HOUR

greatbroad ::: Favorites
Did you hear what Thom Hartman did? He had the US Supreme Ct case granting artificial personhood to corporations pulled and read the case. Guess what? The Case Notes do not match what occurred. No vote on corporate personhood! None! Yet they have taken the 14th Amendment and run off with out rights.
07-05-10 10:23:59
z257425 ::: Favorites
very sad
07-05-10 01:30:53
robrob2 ::: Favorites
No kidding. What the hell kind of twilight zone world are we living in. An you know the ironic thing? If Gore was in office this would be 10 times worse. Instead of Cheney draging us into Iraq, we would have Leierman draging us into Iran, China, and most likley Europe too. If you thing Cheney is a war monger listen to Lieberman sometime. He makes Hitler and Stalin sound like softies. We really are lving in the best of times, and the worst of times.
07-05-09 16:15:32
stinkypoon ::: Favorites
Amen to that. Revoke the authorization before he bombs Iran as well.
07-05-09 13:54:39
greatbroad ::: Favorites
If you are an American reading this, please contact Congress and tell them you support revoking the 10/11/02 authorization to Bush on Iraq. While you are at it, you may also support H.R. 333 Articles of Impeachment for Richard Cheney
07-05-09 09:51:37
Ben8088 ::: Favorites
Also, vets in much larger numbers come home scarred for life, disabled, or die years earlier because the affects of war. Concerning 9/11, more people have died just a few short years after because they were first responders and were exposed to toxins at ground zero. Rarely, do we hear about these people. We just hear the small numbered that die immediately. USA has also killed about a half million Iraqis.
07-05-09 03:54:28
themightylex ::: Favorites
"for what", indeed. bring our soldiers home.
07-05-09 03:47:32
SCODgreenhood ::: Favorites
Exactly. *****
07-05-08 23:02:54
dafttool ::: Favorites
From the look at the ages of these fallen soldiers, "Generation Y" is becoming more and more an accurate title for them. :'(
07-05-08 22:45:52

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