Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Top Gear - The new amazing BMW M5

Duration: 08:14 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-19 23:46:12
User: dandatrk
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The new amazing BMW M5

xxxxfxxx ::: Favorites
07-09-18 22:54:03
l34052 ::: Favorites
One of the greatest cars of all time without any doubt at all. The sound of the V10 engine revving to over 8000rpm is beyond fantastic. The best move BMW ever made was to buy the Sauber F1 team, we're now seeing the bleed down factor in action.
07-09-18 10:52:52
Giacomoto ::: Favorites
Come on Jeremy...this car is not maded for noobs like you...its made for u said..."push this and everything changes" that makes a difference...the world of motoring perfection...and it sounds like a ferrari F40...i mean COME ON !!!!
07-09-17 16:58:20
aceman10 ::: Favorites
listen to that V10 sound!!! thats a supercar in a normal day use car body!! absolutely amazing!! Majestic M5!!
07-09-02 21:32:15
Jackassbobby112 ::: Favorites
Such a beautiful car I wouldn't have no other.
07-08-23 00:53:22
dandatrk ::: Favorites
that was side impact crash test, you obviously don't pay attention to the whole thing, as for frontal and rear impacts it rates among the highest. next time just use all of the four available braincells before posting absolute bullshit
07-08-22 02:18:18
bigcalihero ::: Favorites
2008 BMW 5 seies just rated as the wrost car, when comes to crash test protection...go cheak out the test result from national highway institution test result or u can google or yahoo the test result.
07-08-20 18:44:57
KrimpenDrummer ::: Favorites
i think its a beautiful car
07-08-20 11:45:09
cranfield1 ::: Favorites
craig armstrong-escape, this matches this car. this car has an 800bhp version, the m5 is the best all round car on the road at the moment, the fact that you have a button that makes this car "the best car in the world" is just awesome...
07-08-19 05:06:39
juidas ::: Favorites
The 5 Series 6 Series 7 Series LOL! or the New 3 Series BMW a BEAUTIFUL CAR??! it's your taste..
07-08-16 04:57:06

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