Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Duration: 10:56 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-28 00:48:37
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july 27, 2007 MSNBC HARDBALL

caniachockey ::: Favorites
Oh, well that's fucked up to. This shit blows. I can't even find a habital place on earth? What the fuck, are you kidding me? Insane people have it so good, they arent aware of shit.
07-07-30 17:13:28
TheShamanSZ ::: Favorites
My regrets to all Americans. It seems your A.G. is not doing your country justice.
07-07-30 09:24:25
Hallard24 ::: Favorites
Canada isn't much better. We have a guy as Prime Minister right now, who was quoted as saying things like, It doesn't matter if it justified or not, Canada should be there with our ally, in regards to Iraq. He's Bush's lackey, and a Canadian Oil man. He licks bush's boots, and acts like his mouth piece.
07-07-30 07:43:15
MartinGist ::: Favorites
The last word Mueller said was "Yes." That was his answer. Love Sheila she's my congressWOMAN!
07-07-29 04:17:32
mo1elftausend ::: Favorites
At least you can buy guns. So you can fight vs your goverment just in case.
07-07-28 14:15:25
SoBanned ::: Favorites
When Matthews wants a specific answer, he is relentless.
07-07-28 12:59:14
stone1home ::: Favorites
Madame Monotone.
07-07-28 09:30:30
caniachockey ::: Favorites
mother fucking liars. So help me God, I'm moving to another country. I'm completely serious, I'd love to go to Canada but its soooo damn cold. I've only been twice but every where, every single place I went, it was beautiful.
07-07-28 01:25:39

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