Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Duration: 02:07 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-11 21:49:44
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getplaning ::: Favorites
Joe Lieberman, Senior Senator from the Great State of Israel.
07-09-12 17:09:32
wwk68tig ::: Favorites
Lieberman is such a craven turd. think the republicans would let one of "their own" hang around with the opposition? democrats have to grow a spine, but i don't think i'll live long enough to see that.
07-09-12 14:54:08
PhatPhing ::: Favorites
Lieberman tried to push Gen Patraeus to go into Iran. The people of Connecticut need to come to their senses and turf this warmongering turd in '08.
07-09-12 11:55:43
Ed76638 ::: Favorites
Joe Lieberman's idea of non-partisanship has always been bending over and taking it in the rear.
07-09-12 09:40:06
compostwormbin ::: Favorites
Lieberman was well overdue for that dubious honor.
07-09-12 02:53:22
sonofaglitch2 ::: Favorites
Anybody with some curiosity about J. Michael McConnell and his past may want to do some internet research about "Booz Allen Hamilton." If you though Halliburton, SAIC, CACI, Titan, Kroll, Northrop Grumman, etc. were bad....
07-09-12 00:16:38
Flirmy ::: Favorites
imo we should worship leprechauns and unicorns more. Unicorns don't advocate any hate, they just stand there and look pretty. Their horns instill magical power which can heal the sick. Leprechauns can help you win the lottery and win at slots in vegas even! YES! you can win at slots if you pray to leprechauns. In conclusion, we'd all be a lot better off if we worshiped leprechauns and unicorns.
07-09-12 00:05:02
1underGOD ::: Favorites
god is god not my god [not your god just god to claim god is able to be owned is an absurdity[god owns us] breathed life into dust we are a part of god as our hair is a part of us god gifts us to live life cant be owned [only lived] live and let live where is the love ?
07-09-11 23:55:23
drkhwy ::: Favorites
The problem is that my god is not your god, nor is yours mine.
07-09-11 22:54:13
1underGOD ::: Favorites
it is often said god loves all of us his children the trouble is we look for the worst in others[to make ourselvs seem less in sin] we need to try looking at the good of all gods children, give media focus on the good not the evil promote truth not lies, we live in times of evil ,fixating on sinners just gives other innocents ideas[hell is full, lets aim in letting evil repent, not condem our selves in condeming ssslime
07-09-11 22:34:21

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