Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Duration: 00:41 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-10 02:16:41
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JULY 09, 2007 CNN

aprilgrlchilll ::: Favorites
Visit HAVETHISFLING dot COM for fun singles looking for flings
07-08-26 05:28:20
Kanuckistan ::: Favorites
The people don't "get" the sanctity of marriage, eh Ritter? BTW: Ritter's wife said she'll slice of her man's cock if he were to ever cheat on her....perhaps the reason why Ritter is still lying is because he has no balls to face the truth - the truth being that he and his wife are a sham - total fakes. Maybe she likes her man to bang other women and maybe she would like to watch.
07-07-18 00:51:37
jimenez84 ::: Favorites
aying gay marriage is bad? Ok,I dont really care(I'm not gay neither I ever wanna be maried :) but...paying for sex, while you are married(cheating)... That's fine! Republicans are this way, they wanna preach fam values, but deep inside most of them are just sex freaks( Bill O'Reilly anyone? remember he sexually harassed a female that worked for him?) Bill has fam values too!!
07-07-17 04:25:19
scalliwagrx8 ::: Favorites
Let's not forget that soliciting a prostitute is a crime. The statute of limitations has not ran out on this. An apology to the public does not eliminate the crime. He still needs to face charges for this. So the repubs needs to quit with the excuses and wondering where the dems are. When and if the dems names pop up let them suffer the same fate.
07-07-11 22:51:39
demliars ::: Favorites
I'll wager Bill Clinton has broken his marriage vows this week or at least this month. This week if he was able.. Is that okay? I G D GUARANTEE IT'S KNOWN HE'S SCREWING AROUND! Will anyone ask where Bills been sleeping? Hell no! Why? WHY??
07-07-11 20:03:26
demliars ::: Favorites
Why is it republican names are only scandle? Do liberal marriage vows count for nothing? If so what other vows of theirs "DON'T COUNT"?
07-07-11 19:59:14
demliars ::: Favorites
Why is it okay for Clinton and not this SOB? You give Clinton a pass? Vitters crime is he criticized Clinton THEREFORE he must be crucified?
07-07-11 19:57:42
scalliwagrx8 ::: Favorites
just like repubs to whine about dems when they get busted. Vitter criticised Clinton about his affair. He rails about family values. He is what is known as a hypocrite. I could care less about who was involved in this. TO me the only ones that count are the ones that pretend to be hoiler than thou. Hypocrisy is the most pathetic part of the story. I hope his wife follows through with her promise that she was more like Bobbit than Hillary. Get to cuttin girl!
07-07-10 20:42:57
hek211 ::: Favorites
I wish I could,tell me how.
07-07-10 19:59:41
MidnightChimes ::: Favorites
I love how he considers it a private matter. It's only private when it happens to him. When others do it they should be shamed publicly. Also...he didn't reveal it until someone else was going to. What other stuff is he hiding.
07-07-10 18:40:39

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